Thursday, March 3, 2011

Interesting article found on the web! Please read

 Alex Hoff, 13, Buys His First Penny Stock, Instantly Doubles His Money With China Nuvo Solar Energy! (CNUV.OB)

First of all, since my son Alex, 13, is a minor, he doesn't "own" any stock except through his parents. But a couple of weeks ago Alex took his "North Minneapolis savings"--about $80 in a bank account--and instead of spending the money on video games he bought 40,000 shares of penny stock in a company called China Nuvo Energy. (CNUV)

The company owns a patent-pending invention for a solar cell which is both more efficient than other solar cells and, it appears, can be manufactured cheaply. (For example, the lens is glued on) The devastating Chinese earthquake knocked this company's value into the basement, but they are making moves lately, trying to claw their way upward and produce value for their stockholders.

In that way I feel an affinity with the stock. I say to myself, "This stock is like my neighborhood. Right now, you can buy in for pennies on the dollar but we have unlimited potential."

When Alex bought the stock, with a little help from his dad, it was priced at about .0020 but not very long after that, the stock rocketed up to .0066. Currently, it is holding at around .0040 which means Alex has doubled his investment, turning $80 into $160. Rumors are flying about a pending "reverse merger" and suddenly millions of shares are changing hands. Word is high volume is usually an indication of something big in the works.

Not having any money which doesn't need to go toward bills, I still found a way to invest so I could be in the venture with my son

I had an old 403(b) account from back in the day when I worked for a non-profit psychiatric facility in Seattle. I haven't added so much as a buck to that 403(b) since I left Seattle in early 2000 for a difficult, uncertain existence trying to be near my child and part of his life. There was about $1,700 in the 403(b) but I can't get at that money until I am 59 and a half.

No, I couldn't get at the money. But I could convert the 403(b) into a Roth IRA and put all the money--every blessed penny--into China Nuvo Solar Energy. And that's exactly what I did. Currently, I own 377,977 shares (including my son's 40,000 shares) and win, lose or draw I don't plan to sell those shares for a long, long time. (Of course, Alex can do what he likes with his 40,000 shares when he turns 18; I put them in an account separate from my Roth IRA)

What I especially like about this stock is that it's 100 percent alternative energy. As an environmentalist, I prefer to have my investment money (what little there is!) in alternative energy stock rather than, for example, earth-raping stocks. (Weyerhauser...cough cough)

One reason I am writing about this is to explain why readers may see links to China Nuvo Solar Energy appearing at the end of blog posts. My recent experiment with Amazon Dot Com advertising has been a failure, producing not even a penny of revenue. If anybody asked me about putting Amazon Dot Com ads on their site I would say "Forget it. Don't even bother."

My Google ads produce about a hundred bucks every six months--not a big deal, but it beats a poke in the eye with a sharp stick--and I think advertising gives any blog a more "official news source" appearance.

But here's what I'm going to do for a little while. I'm going to promote China Nuvo Solar Energy. And I've been up front about the reason why: I own stock in the company. In fact, it's the only kind of stock I own.

Well, actually, I think I have some soup stock in my cupboard.

But beyond that I believe in the company, in the idea of making a better solar cell and getting solar power to catch on and replace fossil fuels. Maybe this won't be the ultimate and perfect solar cell for all time, but it sounds like a pretty good solar cell for the next few decades.

Or maybe I just love bragging about my son and the fun we have in North Minneapolis. We sat in Broadway Pizza as the toy train went around, got on the internet, talked about the stock idea and then said...

Let's do it. Let's put money in China Nuvo Solar Energy.

Article Source-

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